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Vilaasa Hoodi - C Block


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38 Lavish New Property with attached Bathrooms, well managed and best facilities work from home friendly place

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Rs 8,000/- to Rs 10,500
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30 days
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3 months
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30 days
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There shouldn't be any kind of damage to property. If found, the tenant will be evicted the very next day

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Common amenities are not personal amenities. Action will be taken in case an amenity is found in personal possession

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Any kind of illegal activities like gambling, ragging, and usage of drugs will not be tolerated here.

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Vilaasa Hoodi - C Block

38 Lavish New Property with attached Bathrooms, well managed and best facilities work from home friendly place

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172, Srinivasa Reddy compound 2nd Cross, Rajplaya, ITPL Main Road, Hoodi Bangalore Karnataka 560048

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